Jacob Mwesigwa

Speaker 1

Jacob Mwesigwa

Founder & CEO - Wal-e Visual

Personal Information

A passionate creative technologist working with Real-Time 3D technology to help enhance work and education in Uganda for the past 5 yrs and counting. I mainly create immersive applications using new emerging Extended Reality XR technologies such as Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Artificial Intelligence (Ai). These aim at improving training & learning outcomes for students, exploration for professionals and storytelling for artists.

Founder & CEO at Wal-e Visual, a practical Ed-tech startup piloting VR AR Ai for soft and Hard skills development training. Through B2C & B2B2C, we provide quality education tools to persons directly or through their learning institutions with learning-enhancing extended technologies such as Augmented & Virtual reality and Artificial intelligence (AR VR AI).